HL Deb 22 January 1936 vol 99 cc358-9

My Lords, I beg to acquaint your Lordships that I have received the following letter from the Earl Marshal, dated the Earl Marshal's Office, Norfolk House, January 21, 1936:

"My Lord,

"It is the King's commands that the remains of His late Majesty shall be removed from Sandringham to Westminster Hall on Thursday next, January 23, there to lie in state until His late Majesty's funeral on January 28.

"The King thinks that members of your Lordships' House would wish to be present in Westminster Hall on January 23, together with members of the House of Commons, and I notify you accordingly.

"The body of His late Majesty will reach Westminster Hall at 4 o'clock.

"I am,

"Your Lordship's obedient servant,


"Earl Marshal."


My Lords, I beg to move that the House do attend the funeral ceremonies of His late Majesty King George V in Westminster Hall to-morrow. In moving that perhaps it might be convenient to your Lordships that I should indicate the procedure which I propose the House should follow to-morrow. The House will meet to-morrow at 3.30 for the purpose of proceeding to Westminster Hall. It will be convenient, I think, if your Lordships would follow the procedure adopted on a similar occasion on the death of King Edward, and, as there can be no marshalling of the House, follow the Lord Chancellor as far as possible in the order of precedence of rank, moving to Westminster Hall four abreast. After the ceremony, which will be short, is concluded, the House will resume its sitting here. There will be opportunity for such noble Lords as wish to take the Oath, and then the House may be expected to vote Addresses of condolence to His Majesty the King and Queen Mary.

Moved, That this House do attend the funeral ceremonies of His late Majesty King George V in Westminster Hall on Thursday, January 23.—(Viscount Halifax.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.

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