HL Deb 18 December 1935 vol 99 cc257-8

Order of the Day for the consideration of the First Report from the Select Committee read.

The Committee reported as follows:

1. RETIREMENT OF THE HEAD MESSENGER IN PRINTED PAPER OFFICE. The Committee granted an extension of service to Mr. James Howard, the Head Messenger in the Printed Paper Office, from the 21st January, 1936, to the 31st March, 1936, and approved a pension under the Superannuation Act, 1909, amounting to £67 18s. 6d. and an additional allowance of £181 2s. 8d. payable to him on his retirement on the latter date.

2. SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATE, 1935, A Supplementary Estimate to meet the excess due to the final restoration of cuts and of full consolidation amounting to £739 was laid before the Committee.

3. ESTIMATE, 1936. The Estimate for the House of Lords Offices for the year 1936 was laid. before the Committee.

4. CLERK TO THE LORD GREAT CHAMBERLAIN. The Committee sanctioned an extension of service to Captain J. W. Townsend, M.B.E., Clerk to the Lord Great Chamberlain, from 21st January, 1936, for two years, the war having prevented him from taking up his duties on his appointment in 1914.

5. ALLOWANCE TO RESIDENT SUPERINTENDENT. The Committee approved the payment of a further sum of £8 16s. for services in connection with the temporary residence now occupied by the Resident Superintendent.


The following Sub-Committees were appointed:—

(1)Sub-Committee on the Refreshment Rooms: The Earl of Lucan, the Lord Stanmore, the Lord Atkin, the Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede, with the Lord Great Chamberlain and the Clerk of the Parliaments.

(2) Sub-Committee on the Library: The Marquess of Crewe, the Earl of Ilchester, the Lord Wigan (E. Crawford), the Lord Hylton, the Lord Colebrooke, the Lord Ernle, the Lord Darling, the Lord Macmillan, the Lord Marley, and the Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede, with the Clerk of the Parliaments.


My Lords, I beg to move that this Report be now considered and adopted.

Moved accordingly, and, on Question, Motion agreed to.