HL Deb 04 December 1935 vol 99 cc49-50

My Lords, I am going to move now the regular Motions to set up the Standing Committees of your Lordships' House and the first Motion on the Paper is that setting up the Committee of Selection. I want, with your Lordships' permission, at the request of my noble friend opposite, to make one alteration in the Motion as it appears on the Paper, and that is to add Lord Strabolgi's name to the other names on the list which is on the Paper.

Moved, That a Committee be appointed to select and propose to the House the names of the five Lords to form a Select Committee for the consideration of each opposed Private Bill, and that the Lords following, with the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Privy Seal and the Chairman of Committees, be named of the Committee:

—(The Earl of Onslow.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.