HL Deb 15 November 1934 vol 94 cc492-3

Page 27, line 34, at end, insert: ("5. The accountant and the mechanician appointed by the licensing authority under the last foregoing paragraph shall hold office on such terms (including terms as to remuneration) as may, subject as hereinafter provided, be determined by the licensing authority after consultation with the holder of any licence for the time being in force in respect of the track in connection with which the appointment is made, and the remuneration of the accountant and the mechanician shall be payable by the licensing authority; but so much of the remuneration paid to the accountant and to the mechanician, in respect of the performance of their functions under this Schedule in relation to the totalisator as is attributable to any period during which any person held a licence in force in respect of the track on which the totalisator is set up shall be recoverable by the licensing authority as a debt duo to them from that person. Provided that the terms on which any accountant is appointed as aforesaid shall include a term that on every appointed day either he or a servant of his authorised in that behalf by him in writing must be in attendance at the totalisator during such period or periods as may before that day have been notified to him in writing by the operator. 6. The totalisator shall not be operated at any time when neither the accountant nor a servant of the accountant authorised in that behalf by him in writing is present:")


My Lords, by the Amendments at line 27 and line 30 of paragraph (3) of the First Schedule, the appointment of the accountant and of the mechanician, who is his technical adviser, is to be in the hands of the licensing authority instead of the operator. The present Amendment provides for the payment of the salaries of the accountant and the mechanician. The effect is that in the first instance the remuneration of these two officers will be paid by the licensing authority, but the cost of such remuneration ought not to fall on the rates but should come from the profits of the totalisator. This Amendment accordingly provides that the sums paid by the licensing authority to the accountant and the mechanician shall be recoverable from the holder of the licence. The Amendment further provides that before fixing the salaries and the terms of office of the accountant and the mechanician, the licensing authority shall consult with the holder of the licence. I beg to move.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(The Marquess of Londonderry.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.