HL Deb 15 November 1934 vol 94 cc468-9

After Clause 3, page 3, line 17, at end insert the following clause—

Restriction of betting on dog racecourse.

("— (1) Betting by way of bookmaking or by means of a totalisator shall not take place on any day on a track being a dog racecourse, in connection with more than eight dog races, and betting by way of bookmaking or by means of a totalisator on the results of dog races shall not take place on any day on such a track as aforesaid except during one continuous period not exceeding four hours:

Provided that, in relation to any of the four special appointed days fixed in any year by the licensing authority in accordance with this section, the foregoing provisions of this subsection shall have effect as if there were therein substituted for the word 'eight' the word 'sixteen,' and for the words one continuous period not exceeding four hours 'the words' a period or periods not exceeding eight hours in the aggregate.'

(2) If bookmaking is carried on or a totalisator is operated by any person on any track in contravention of this section, that person and, if he is not the occupier of the track, the occupier also shall be guilty of an offence:

Provided that where the occupier of a track is charged with an offence by reason of a contravention of this section on the part of another person it shall be a defence for him to prove that the contravention occurred without his knowledge.

(3) The licensing authority when fixing the appointed days for any year in accordance with this Part of this Act shall also fix four of those days (which four days shall be the same for the whole of their licensing area) as the special appointed days for the purposes of subsection (1) of this section.")


My Lords, this is a new clause inserted in another place. During the debates which took place there, it was strongly represented that if no limit was placed on the amount of betting which might be allowed on a dog track on an appointed betting day, the restriction of betting facilities intended by the Bill would be in considerable measure nullified by the provision of betting facilities at several sessions in the course of a day. The clause which has been moved in another place covers this particular point. I hardly think that your Lordships would require that I should go more into detail. I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendment.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(The Marquees of Londonderry.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.