HL Deb 28 June 1934 vol 93 cc255-6

Particular Provisions which may be included in an Order made under this Act.

(v) for providing for the punishment of any breach of the order, or any failure to comply with the section under which it is made; so however that such punishment shall not in the case of a summary conviction exceed a fine of one hundred pounds or imprisonment for three months or both such fine and imprisonment, or for a second or any subsequent conviction a fine of five hundred pounds or imprisonment or both such fine and imprisonment;

EARL STANHOPE moved, in paragraph (v), after tine third "imprisonment," to insert "for six months." The noble Earl said: What happened was this. In another place it was proposed that penalties should be inserted in the Bill, and an agreed clause was put in under which in the case of a first offence a fine of £100 or imprisonment for three months, or both fine and imprisonment, should be imposed, and in the case of a second or subsequent offence a fine of £500 or six months imprisonment, or both such fine and imprisonment. In the course of the progress of the Bill through the House the words "for six months" were omitted accidentally, and we propose now to put them in.

Amendment moved— Page 7, lines 28 and 29, after ("or imprisonment") insert ("for six months").—(Earl Stanhope.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

Schedule, as amended, agreed to.

Amendment reported.

Bill read 3a, with the Amendment, and passed, and returned to the Commons.

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