HL Deb 16 November 1933 vol 89 cc424-5

Commons Message of yesterday considered (according to Order).


My Lords, on behalf of my noble friend Viscount Gage, I beg to move the Order which stands in his name. This Provisional Order deals with the construction of sea defence works at Goring-on-Sea in the Borough of Worthing. The Bill has been before your Lordships' House and has been agreed to, and it is now before another place. The object of the Order I am moving is that the Bill should be carried over to the next Session of Parliament so that time shall not be lost by its having to come before your Lordships' House again. Your Lordships will understand that, with the sea actually coming in and doing considerable damage, it is very necessary to get these works put in hand at the earliest possible date, I understand from my noble friend the Chairman of Committees that he has no objection to the procedure proposed. I venture to hope, therefore, that your Lordships will agree that this Order be approved.

Moved, That leave be given to suspend any further proceedings on the Bill which was introduced into this House in the present Session of Parliament, and which has passed this House and been sent to the House of Commons, in order to proceed with the Bill in the next Session of Parliament, provided that all fees due thereon up to this day be paid;

That a copy of such Bill shall be deposited in the Office of the Clerk of the Parliaments not later than three o'clock on or before the third day on which the House shall sit after the next meeting of Parliament, with a declaration annexed thereto, certified under the seal of the Minister of Health and stating that the Bill is the same in every respect as the Bill at the last stage of the proceedings thereon in this House in the present Session;

That the proceedings on such Bill shall be pro forma only in regard to every stage through which the same shall have passed in the present Session, and that no new fees be charged in regard to such stages;

That the Standing Orders by which the proceedings on Bills are regulated shall not apply to such Bill in regard to any of the stages through which the same shall have passed during the present Session.—(Earl Stanhope.)


My Lords, this Order is in common form, although it is not very usual for Provisional Order Bills to be carried over to another Session. In regard to Private Bills it is a common thing. We do it practically every Session and, indeed, I think every Session. The last time a Provisional Order Bill was carried over in this way was in 1928. In the case of a Private Bill it is the Chairman of Committees in your Lordships' House who moves the necessary Resolution, but in the case of a Provisional Order Bill, as the measure is introduced by the Department concerned, it is the representative of the Department who moves. I think your Lordships will be quite safe in agreeing to the course proposed.

On Question, Motion agreed to.

Message ordered to be sent to the Commons to acquaint them therewith.