HL Deb 03 February 1931 vol 79 c802

The Estimate for 1931 was re-submitted to the Committee.

The Lord Passfield invited the Committee to reconsider its decision of 16th December, 1930, and to recommend the provision of £2,625, being half the sum estimated to be required, for the expenses of witnesses from East Africa attending the Joint Committee, an equal amount being borne upon the Estimate of the House of Commons.

The Committee recommend that this further sum be provided. They observe, however, that this item of expenditure forms no part of the administrative expenditure of the House of Lords Offices but is part of the expenses of Government. It is also an item which is without precedent and one which is not likely to recur. They have agreed to this recommendation only because they are assured alit the charge cannot be carried upon any ether Vote.

By their previous Report the Committee have recorded their sense of the need for economy, and they call attention to the fact that the Estimate as formerly agreed to, including the new scale of salaries for the Clerks at the Table, represented a saving of £719 in the administrative expenses to the House of Lords Offices upon that of the previous year.