HL Deb 29 May 1930 vol 77 c1209

Clause 21, page 17, line 45, leave out ("provided, required or appropriated") and insert ("maintained")

Page 18, line 4, leave out from ("received") to the end of line 11 and insert ("or about to be received under this or any local Act as a voluntary or temporary patient (not being a person received, or about to be received, as a single patient) means the medical superintendent or other person in charge of the institution, hospital, home, or place into which he is, or is about to be, so received, and in relation to a person so received, or about to be so received, as a single patient, means the person into whose charge he is, or is about to be, so received.")


My Lords, these are consequential drafting Amendments. I beg to move that they be agreed to.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Earl Russell.)