HL Deb 31 July 1930 vol 78 cc1175-6

Leave out Clause 53 and insert as a new clause:

Contributions out of public moneys towards expenses incurred by catchment boards in improvement of existing works or construction of new works.

(".—(1) Subject to the provisions of this section the Minister may, out of moneys provided by Parliament, make grants towards expenditure incurred by catchment boards under this Act in the improvement of existing works or the construction of new works of such amounts as the Treasury may from time to time sanction Provided that—

  1. (a) no grant shall be made towards expenditure incurred in connection with any such improvement or construction unless the plans and sections therefor have been approved by the Minister, and the Minister is satisfied that the work thereon is being properly carried out;
  2. (b) grants under this section shall be made subject to such conditions as may, with the approval of the Treasury, be prescribed.

(2) If it is shown to the Minister that any expenditure towards which a grant would if the work were properly carried out be properly payable under this section is about to be incurred by a catchment board the Minister may, if for any reason he considers it expedient so to do, and subject to the approval of the Treasury, and to such conditions as may with the like approval he prescribed, make advances to the board on account of the expenditure to be so incurred.

Moved, That this House cloth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(Earl De La Warr.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.