HL Deb 31 July 1930 vol 78 c1170

Clause 35, page 34, line 32, leave out ("repair") and insert ("do any work in relation to")

Clause 35, page 34, line 33, leave out ("other outfall or defence against water") and insert ("drainage work (whether by way of repair, maintenance or otherwise)")

Clause 35, page 34, line 34, leave out ("keep it in good and proper repair") and insert ("do the work")

Clause 35, page 34, line 36, leave out ("outfall or defence") and insert ("or drainage work")

Clause 35, page 34, line 37, leave out ("repair") and insert ("do the work")

Clause 35, page 34, line 38, leave out ("put it in goad and proper repair") and insert ("de the necessary work")


My Lords, these Amendments are all drafting.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Earl De La Warr.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.