HL Deb 25 July 1930 vol 78 cc882-3

Page 58, line 14, leave out ("continued") and insert ("continuing")

Clause 74, page 58, leave out ("the passing of this Act") and insert ("the first day of January nineteen hundred and thirty")

Clause 76, page 59, line 20, leave out ("backing")

Clause 77, page 59, line 27, after ("Act") insert ("not being a road service licence")

Clause 77, page 59, line 28, after ("year") insert ("from the date on which it is expressed to take effect. (2) The Minister may prescribe to the dates in the year on which road service licences shall expire and a road service licence shall, unless previously revoked, continue in force up till and including that one of the prescribed dates which occurs next before the expiration of one year from the date on which the licence is expressed to take effect or by till and including such earlier date, being one of the prescribed dates, as the Commissioners may at the time of the granting of the licence for special reasons determine")

Clause 77, page 59, line 29, leave out from ("that") to ("if") in line 31.

Clause 77, page 59, line 33, after ("for") insert ("the grant of")

Clause 77, page 59, line 34, leave out from ("licence") to ("the") in line 36 and insert ("in substitution for an existing road service licence held by the applicant or for the backing of any such new licence")

Clause 77, page 59, line 38, leave out ("for the new road service licence")

Clause 78, page 60, line 8, leave out ("the grant or backing of a")

Clause 78, page 60, line 4, leave out ("or back")

Clause 78, page 60, line 15, leave out ("or backing")

Clause 78, page 60, line 16, leave out ("or endorsement")

Clause 78, page 60, line 17, after ("condition") insert ("or by any variation of the conditions")

Clause 78, page 60, line 19, after ("a") insert ("public service vehicle licence or")

Clause 78, page 60, line 21, leave out ("or the revocation of the hacking thereof") and after ("Commissioners") insert ("or by any variation of the conditions attached thereto")

Clause 78, page 60, line 24, leave out the second ("The") and insert ("a")

Clause 78, page 60, line 36, after ("fit") insert ("(including an order revoking a licence)")

Clause 78, page 60, line 39, leave out ("the applicant for a new licence, who") and insert ("a person who has applied for a new licence in substitution for a licence held by him and in force")

Clause 78, page 60, line 40, leave out ("is the holder of a licence")

Page 61, line 7, at end insert: ("(4) Where the holder of any road service licence appeals to the Minister against any variation of the conditions attached to that licence that variation shall not have effect until the appeal has been disposed of.")


My Lords, these are drafting Amendments. I beg to move that this House doth agree.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Earl Russell.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.