HL Deb 25 July 1930 vol 78 cc851-2

Clause 45, page 38, line 36, after holding insert (", if he thinks fit,")

Clause 45, page 38, line 37, leave out from ("inquiry") to ("the") in line 39 and insert ("make an order for any of the following purposes:—

  1. "(a) the specification of the routes to be followed by vehicles;
  2. "(b) the prohibition or restriction of the use of specified roads by vehicles of any specified class or description, either generally or during particular hours;
  3. "(c) The prohibition of")

Clause 45, page 38, line 40, leave out ("within the area of the council")

Clause 45, page 38, line 41, at end insert: ("(d) otherwise in relation to the regulation of traffic. Provided that no order shall be made under this subsection with respect to any road which would have the effect of preventing such access as may be reasonably required for vehicles of any class or description to any premises situated on or adjacent to the road.")

Page 39, line 2, leave out from ("after") to the second ("public") in line 4 and insert ("holding if he thinks fit, a")

Page 39, line 6, leave out line 6 and insert ("(4) Where an order is made under this section")

Page 39, line 8, leave out ("to") and insert ("shall")

Page 39, line 8, leave out ("is prescribed by the order") and insert ("may be prescribed")

Page 39, line 14, after ("uses") insert ("a vehicle, or causes"), leave out ("the use of")

Page 39, line 15, after ("vehicle") insert ("to be used")


My Lords, these are all drafting and consequential Amendments.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.