HL Deb 25 July 1930 vol 78 c851

Clause 45, page 38, line 32, leave out from ("of") to ("and") in line 36 and insert ("a council to which this section applies or the governing body of any University in receipt of a grant from public moneys")


My Lords, this is an Amendment which I think will be received with some satisfaction. The object of it is to enable a local authority or the governing body of any University in receipt of grants from public sources to apply for an order for regulating the traffic in their districts. That should be very useful in numerous cases, and it will help to improve matters in respect of the great complaints made of traffic in the High Street of Oxford and I think, to some extent, in Cambridge. It does not, I am sorry to say, apply to Eton or Winchester, but it will protect Universities in receipt of public grants.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(Earl Russell.)


My Lords, may I ask whether before any order is made under this clause an opportunity will be given for other people to be heard besides the local authority or the governing body of the University? That is to say, will an inquiry take place as in the case of, say, the imposition of a ten mile limit?


Oh, certainly, there will be a full public inquiry at which everybody will be represented.

On Question, Motion agreed to.