HL Deb 25 July 1929 vol 75 cc272-4

My Lords, before we begin the business on the Order Paper I desire to put a Question to the noble and learned Lord, the Leader of the House. There stands upon the Paper in my name, I am sorry to say, a Motion which may lead to an important discussion. In ordinary circumstances no difficulty would arise, but there stands in front of it a Bill of importance, although not a controversial Bill. Had we been meeting at the usual hour that would have been a matter of very small importance. The Bill, which no doubt would be very adequately dealt with by the noble Lord the Paymaster-General, would have taken perhaps an hour, and the other debate would have come on without difficulty. But as matters stand, owing to the important social event of which we are all delightfully aware, it has not been possible to meet at the ordinary hour, and we are now meeting at twelve o'clock. If the debates took place, therefore, in the order in which they stand upon the Paper the result would be that the more important debate—if I may be egotistical enough to say so—would be put in a further difficult position.

I therefore make alternative suggestions, if I may, to the noble and learned Lord the Leader of the House: cither that he should consent to let this Bill stand over till to-morrow when, as the House has suspended the Standing Order, the Bill could be taken through all its stages; or, if he would not be willing to do that, that he should, with the consent of your Lordships, alter the order of business to-day and take the debate on Egypt first. I have been making a rather hurried inquiry of the authorities, and it appears that, by the general consent of your Lordships, the order of business can be altered, even without notice, and I do not doubt, if I have any knowledge of the feeling of my fellow Peers sitting in every quarter of the House, that they would be willing that the debate on the Bill should come after the debate upon Egypt. Therefore I suggest very respectfully to the noble and learned Lord, the Leader of the House, that he should adopt either one or other of those alternatives.


My Lords, I venture to support the appeal that has been made by the noble Marquess. It would be of very great importance to us to have the debate on the Motion standing in the noble Marquess's name taken at once. It is a matter of great importance, which we should like to consider, and there will be difficulties if the Development (Loan Guarantees and Grants) Bill is taken in advance of it. So far as we are concerned it matters not which of the two courses suggested by the noble Marquess is adopted—either that the Bill should be taken to-morrow, or that the Motion which stands in his name should take precedence of the Bill to-day. I hope that we may arrive at some conclusion by which we can get without delay to the discussion of a matter of such importance as the resignation of Lord Lloyd.


My Lords, I am naturally anxious to do all I can to meet the general convenience of the House, and I will certainly do what is necessary to carry out the wishes of the House, as they have been expressed by the noble Marquess the Leader of the Opposition and the noble and learned Marquess on the Liberal Benches. No doubt the matter is one of great importance. What I suggest is this. I think that all the business on the Order Paper to-day will have to be dealt with to-day, and it can all be dealt with before the delightful engagement to which the noble Marquess has referred. I do not think that the Development (Loan Guarantees and Grants) Bill could well be postponed until to-morrow, because to-morrow is the actual day of the adjournment of the House for the Recess. Therefore, if it is to the general convenience of the House and if it is in accordance with Standing Orders, I should raise no objection whatever to the noble Marquess bringing on his Motion at the first convenient time. I think that will be in accordance with the general views of the House.


My Lords, I think a Motion is necessary and it can be moved with the leave of the House. The Standing Order is quite clear. Referring to the Notices of proceedings on Public Bills and other matters inserted in the Minutes of each day, it says:— the House shall always proceed with the same in the order in which they shall so stand, unless the Lord who shall have given any such notice shall….with the leave of the House, consent to its postponement.


It requires Lord Arnold's consent.


It will take a very few minutes and I think it would be convenient to get rid of the formal matter. Then, when the Second Reading comes on, my noble friend Lord Arnold could make the necessary Motion, or he could make it now.




My Lords, I beg to move that leave be given to take the Development (Loan Guarantees and Grants) Bill as the last Order to-day.

Moved accordingly, and, on Question, Motion agreed to, and ordered accordingly.