HL Deb 31 May 1927 vol 67 cc679-80

The following Report from the Sub-Committee on the Refreshment Department was laid before the Committee:—

  1. (1) The Refreshment Committee have renewed the contract with Mr. Vaughan, their caterer, for the ensuing year on the same terms as were arranged last year. Peers later in the year will be asked to contribute towards the expenses of the Refreshment Department as in former years.
  2. (2) An unfortunate case of food poisoning has occurred during the year. The Committee immediately took steps to have the matter inquired into, and took care that every facility should be given for the purpose.

The Ministry of Health have made bacteriological and chemical examinations in connection with every article to which suspicion could attach, and have also made experiments. They have been unable to identify the poison. They also examined the kitchen and the kitchen utensils, and found that they were well kept and that there was nothing to which they could take exception. The report of the Ministry of Health is, therefore, inconclusive as to the origin of the trouble, but may be said to show that no fault attaches to the caterer or his arrangements.

The same was read, and agreed to.


The Committee sanctioned the proposal for making a separate means of access to the South Room of the Library from the corridor.


My Lords, I beg to move, That the first Report from the Select Committee of your Lordships' Offices be now considered and adopted.

Moved accordingly, and, on Question, Motion agreed to.