HL Deb 23 July 1925 vol 62 cc307-8

My Lords, can the noble Marquess the Leader of the House give us any indication as to the course of business in the next two weeks?


My Lords, I should have been glad if the noble and learned Viscount had given me more notice of this question, so that I could have given him a more complete answer. But I will do so at an early date. The Widows, Orphans, and Old Age Contributory Pensions Bill has just been read a first time and we propose, with the consent of the House, to take the Second Reading on Tuesday next. I hope that will not be too soon, but time is getting short towards the end of the Session and there are other stages of that Bill to be completed which may take some time. Having some knowledge of this Bill it will be difficult, I think, for your Lordships to propose an Amendment which would not bring us into conflict with another place on the question of privilege, but I do not want to pronounce any opinion on that. That is for your Lordships to decide, but I think it does make it rather a difficult matter to propose Amendments. Therefore, the Committee stage is not likely to be very prolonged and that will make it easier for us to get through the later stages of the Bill.

The other important Bill is the Unemployment Insurance Bill. That has not yet reached us and, from indications, I am afraid it will not arrive until next week. This will make subsequent arrangements a little more difficult to adjust with due regard to your Lord ships' convenience. Perhaps the noble and learned Viscount will repeat his question next week, and I will then give him fuller information. When the final arrangements are being made I shall consult your Lordships as to whether you rill not sit a little earlier every day—as soon as the Judicial Proceedings of the House are finished.