§ LORD ERSKINEMy Lords, I rise to ask His Majesty's Government what 934 number of children in the several counties of Scotland are now being fed by the respective education authorities owing to the coal strike, the cost per week per child, the amount that the parents undertake to repay, and what the total liability that will fall on the rates is calculated to be.
§ LORD STANMOREMy Lords, it is impossible, without obtaining a special Return from all the education authorities, to give the information asked for, and it is doubtful whether in any event it would be possible to distinguish between those cases where the necessity arises in consequence of the coal dispute and those where the provision of meals is required for other reasons. The cost per meal per child varies in the different education areas, and it is understood that between 3d. and 4d. would represent the average cost. But whereas certain of the authorities provide only one meal per day, others provide two or three.
As to the amounts that parents undertake to repay, no part of the cost is recoverable where the authority are satisfied that the parents are "unable by reason of poverty or ill-health to supply sufficient and proper food…for the child." Section 6 (2) of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1908, as adapted by paragraphs 1 (a) and (c) of the Fifth Schedule to the Education (Scotland) Act, 1918, provides that in such cases, if the necessities are not forthcoming through any voluntary agency, the education authority "shall make such provision for the child out of the education fund as they deem necessary during such period while the child is under obligation to attend school as they may determine." This requirement is extended by the Education (Scotland) (Provision of Meals) Act, 1914, to days other than those on which the school meets.
In the case of children whose parents cannot be regarded as wholly necessitous, the parents are required by the education authorities to contribute as much as their particular circumstances will permit. Where children of non-necessitous parents avail themselves of the facilities provided and obtain meals at school, the whole of the cost must be recovered from the parents by the authority. It is impossible to say what the total liability that will fall upon the rates in this connection will be.
§ House adjourned at ten minutes before eight o'clock until tomorrow, a quarter-past four o'clock.