HL Deb 28 June 1921 vol 45 cc837-40

Read3ª(according to Order).

Clause 5:

Dental companies.

5—(1) A body corporate may carry on the business of dentistry if—

  1. (a) it carries on no business other than dentistry or some business ancillary to the business of dentistry; and
  2. (b) a majority of the directors and all the operating staff thereof are registered dentists:

Provided that—

  1. (a) a body corporate which was carrying on the business of dentistry before the passing of this Act shall not be disqualified for carrying on the business of dentistry under this section by reason only that it carries on some business other than dentistry or a business ancillary to that business if that other business is a business which the body was lawfully entitled at the commencement of this Act to early on; and
  2. (b) where any director of any body corporate which is carrying on the business of dentistry at the commencement of this Act satisfies the Board within the interim period that he has for any five of the seven years immediately preceding the commencement of this Act been acting as director of any such body corporate, ho shall be entitled to be entered as such a director in a list to be kept by the registrar for the purposes of this section, and if so entered shall be entitled, notwithstanding that he is not a registered dentist, to act as a director but shall not by virtue of being so entered be entitled to practise dentistry.

THE EARL OF ONSLOW moved, in subsection 1(b), to leave out "be entitled notwithstanding that he is not a registered dentist, to act as a director," and insert for the purpose of this section be treated as being a registered dentist". The noble Earl said: My Lords, I have on the Paper certain amendments to the Bill. They arc all of a drafting character, though they are of some importance from the point of view of clarifying the Bill and making it cohesive. I do not know whether it would be your Lordships' wish that I should explain them in detail; if so, I am quite prepared to do so. Otherwise, perhaps your Lordships will permit them to be moved en bloc

Amendment moved— Page 5, line 21, leave out from (" shall ") to (" but ") in line 23, and insert (" for the purpose of this section be treated as being a registered dentist ").—(The Earl of Onslow)

On Question, Amendment agreed to

Clause 10:

Application of money received and accounts of fees

10— (1) The Board shall, after paying any expenses incurred by the General Council in the execution of their duties under the principal Act and this Act, and any expenses of the Board, including the salary of the registrar, allocate any money received by them whether by way of fees or otherwise to purposes connected with dental education and research or any public purposes connected with the profession of dentistry in such manner as the Board with the approval of the Council may determine.

Amendment moved— Page 9, line 31, leave out (" of the registrar ") and insert (" or remuneration of the registrar and of any other officers of the Board ").—(The Earl of Onslow)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

Clause 18:

Short title and repeal

18—(1) This Act may be cited as the Dentist. Act, 1921, and shall be construed as one with the principal Act, and this Act and that Act may be cited together as the Dentists Acts, 1878 and 1921.

(2) The enactments set out in the Second Schedule to this Act shall be repealed to the extent specified in the third column of that Schedule.

Amendment moved— Page 13, line 10, after (" Schedule ") insert (" and except as otherwise expressly provided therein as from the date of the establishment of the Board under this Act ").—(The Earl of onslow.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

Second Schedule:

  1. SECOND SCHEDULE. 255 words