HL Deb 09 August 1921 vol 43 cc348-50

My Lords, with regard to the Motion standing in my name with respect to this Order, perhaps ought to say one word as there are several Amendments which it is necessary to submit for the approval of Parliament.

All but one of these are rendered necessary by the fact that the Draft Order was presented to Parliament on June 14, and it was anticipated that the approval of both houses would have been obtained before the Order applied for by the Company, under Section 1 of the Gas Regulation Act, 1920, was made. It became necessary, however, to issue the latter Order before the end of June, and, as that Order alters the basis on which the company are authorised to charge for their gas, certain consequential drafting Amendments are required in the present Order The Amendment to Clause 33 has been asked for by the Hertfordshire County Council, for whose protection the clause is inserted. It is agreed to by the company, and the Board sees no objection to the omission of the words in question. I hope that, having explained the reason for these Amendments, and the reason for the introduction of the whole of these Orders, it will be for your Lordships' convenience that I be allowed to move them en bloc. I therefore beg to move the Motion which stands in my name.

Moved, That the Draft of a Special Order proposed to be made by the Board of Trade under Section 10 of the Gas Regulation Act, 1920, on the application of the Harpenden District Gas Company which was presented on the 14th June (Cmd. 1364) be approved subject to the following Amendments: —

Claus 1, subclause (2), after"1914"insert"the Harpenden District Gas (Charges) Order, 1921 (S.R. & O., 1921, No.1142)."

Clause 2, subclause (1), after '' 1914"insert"the Harpenden District Gas (Charges) Order, 1921."

Clause 3, at end, omit '' section 65 (Dividend dependent on price charged) of the Act of 1901 as, amended by."

Clause 17, snbclause (1), line 5, after '' 1901"omit '' or," and after"1914" insert."or the Harpenden District Gas (Charges) Order, 1921."

Clause 17, subclause (1), line 7, omit"four shillings and ninepence per one thousand cubic feet"and insert "seventeen decimal four pence per therm."

Clause 17, subclause (1), para. (a), lines 2 and 3, omit"one penny or part of a penny."

Clause 17, subclause (1), para, (a), line 5, omit "penny or part and insert "one-fifth," and after"of a penny insert"or part thereof."

Clause 17, subclause (1), para, (a), line 6, omit"standard," and after"in-creased"insert"above the standard price."

Clause 17, subclause (1), para. (b), line 3, omit"one penny or more."

Clause 17, subclause (1), para. (b), line 5, after"each"insert"one-fifth of a"and omit"standard."

Clause 17, subclause (1), para. (b), line 6, after"reduced"insert"below the standard price."

Clause 17, subclause 3, line 5, omit '' one shilling and sixpence per one thousand cubic feet"and insert"three decimal sixpence Per therm."

Clause 18,omit the clause.

Clause 33, subclause (3), line 16, omit lines 16, 17, and 18.—(Lord Somerleyton.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.