HL Deb 06 May 1919 vol 34 c480

My Lords, I rise to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture whether, seeing that the work of the new Commissioners now being appointed by him as links between his Department and the county agricultural authorities will be of paramount importance in carrying out the scheme of Land Settlement and Rural Reconstruction, and that such appointees, although originally appointed as temporary officers, are bound, in the absence of misconduct or serious incompetence, to become permanent officers of the Board, he will reconsider his decision not to advertise publicly the remainder of these appointments, so that, by giving the opportunity of application to all those possessing suitable qualifications, he may secure for the public service the best men available, whether now in this country or serving with the Forces overseas.


My Lords, the noble Lord the President of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries is unable to be present this afternoon in consequence of a very important conference which he is attending at the Board of Agriculture, and therefore he has asked me to give the answer to the noble Lord's Question. Instructions were given by the President of the Board on April 30 that all new appointments, not only to Commissionerships but to sub-Commissionships, except those of a purely temporary nature, should be advertised in the public Press. This action involves no reconsideration of any previous decision.

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