HL Deb 14 July 1919 vol 35 cc515-6

My Lords, I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for India (1) When the communications that have passed between the Viceroy of India and the Amir of Afghanistan, of which indications have apparently been given to the Press, will be published in full. (2) Whether it is a fact that Simla has been declared a "war area" as regards the operations against the Afghan attack on the North-West Frontier.


My Lords, in reply to the first Question asked by my noble friend I can only repeat the promise of the Secretary of State for India in answer to a Question addressed to him in another place on June 30, that he proposed to lay full Papers before Parliament but was unable to name a date, inasmuch as no reply had then been received from the Amir to the latest communication from the Viceroy. That reply has since been received, on July 3, but has necessitated further correspondence, and I can only repeat the promise that as soon as possible full Papers shall be laid before Parliament. I may mention also that they are in course of preparation. With regard to the second Question there is no official information whatsoever in the India Office as to Simla having been declared a "war area" as regards the operations on the North-West frontier, but inquiries are being made.


As regards the first Question, can the noble Lord give any idea when it is hoped that an Armistice will be finally arranged? As I understand it, the situation at the present time is really most unsatisfactory. I believe our men are held back but are liable to be fired at at any time, and the Afghans say they have nothing to do with it, and that it is all done by frontier troops. I hope, therefore, that this state of things will be brought to an end as speedily as possible.


I can only state, in reply to the supplementary Question, that the authorities are fully alive to the unsatisfactory situation, but in the interests of the public I do not think it would be advisable for me to make any further statement.