HL Deb 10 August 1914 vol 17 cc494-5

My Lords, as my noble friend the Lord President and the noble and learned Viscount on the Woolsack have explained their Bills, perhaps I may be allowed to state to your Lordships the objects of two small Bills which are to come up from the House of Commons and which will be down in my name. The first is the River Navigation Improvement (Ireland) Bill. Those of your Lordships who are familiar with Ireland are well aware of the very bad state of the navigation of many rivers in that country. This Bill deals with that matter, and I understand that it is not opposed in the other House or here. In fact, I believe that the noble Earl the Lord Chairman is strongly in favour of the Bill, and I gather that it will do a great deal of good in the part of Ireland in which he lives.


My Lords, as the noble Earl has alluded to me, may I say that the Bill in question refers to the whole of Ireland, but I believe it owes its origin to the four Members of Parliament who represent the valley in which I am privileged to live. It is intended in my own valley to act upon the Bill at once, and I desire to thank His Majesty's Government for the facilities which they gave the Bill in the other House, and which have made it possible to pass it.