HL Deb 31 August 1909 vol 2 c1070

My Lords, before I move the adjournment of the House I wish to correct a statement which I made in reply to the question of the noble Marquess at the commencement of the sitting. He asked on what day the Second Reading of the Housing and Town Planning Bill would be taken, and I suggested Thursday, September 16. I find that Thursday would be inconvenient for my noble friend the Lord Steward, who has an important engagement on that day, and I understand from him that noble Lords opposite have kindly agreed that the Bill should be taken on the Tuesday instead of the Thursday. I hope that will be convenient to the House. Although the Bill is long and complicated, its general principles are approved, and I think the closest discussion upon it is likely to take place in Committee rather than upon Second Reading.

House adjourned at Eight o'clock, to Friday, the 10th of September next, a quarter past Five o'clock.