§ Fiji.—Further correspondence respecting. Laid before the House (pursuant to Address of the 16th of July last), and to be printed. [No. 205.]
§ The LORD CHANCELLOR acquainted the House, That the following Papers having been commanded to be presented to this House by His Majesty, had been so presented on the following dates by delivery to the Clerk of the Parliaments, pursuant to Standing Order, No. CXI., viz.—
§ Africa, No. 4. (1908).—Further correspondence respecting the taxation of Natives and other questions in the Congo State (in continuation of Africa, No. 3 (1908) [Cd. 4135.]). (August 4.)
§ Colonies.—1. Annual—
- No. 567. Seychelles (Report for 1907). (August 5.)
- No. 568. Bermuda (Report for 1907). (August 8.)
- No. 569. Weihaiwei (Report for 1907). (August 13.)
- No. 570. Hong Kong (Report for 1907). (August 18.)
- No. 571. Malta (Report for 1907–1908). (August 19.)
- No. 572. British Honduras (Report for 1907). (August 25.)
- No. 573. Gold Coast (Report for 1907). (September 10.)
- No. 574. Nyasaland (Report for 1907–1908). (September 14.)
- No. 575. Bahamas (Report for 1907–1908). (September 28.)
- No. 576. Gambia (Report for 1907). (October 6.)
§ II. Miscellaneous—
- No. 53. East Africa Protectorate (Report on Veterinary Bacteriological Work during 1907–1908). (August 8.)
- No. 54. Newfoundland (Report by the Governor on a visit to the Micmac Indians at Bay d'Espoir). (September 12.)
- No. 55. Cape Colony (Report on the Rietfontein Area, by Mr. J. F. Herbst). (October 2.)
§ Reformatory and Industrial Schools (Ireland).—Forty-sixth Report of the Inspector, for the year 1907. (August 5.)
§ Irish Land Commission—
- I. Return of advances made under the Irish Land Act, 1903, during the month of November, 1907. (August 7.)
- II. Return of advances made under the Irish Land Act, 1903, during the month of December, 1907. (August 26.)
- III. (Proceedings).—Returns for the months of March, April, May, and June, 1908. (August 29); Return for the month of July, 1908. (September 5); Return for the month of August, 1908. (September 18.)
§ Births, Deaths, and Marriages (Scotland).—Fifty-second Detailed Annual Re- 4 port of the Registrar-General for Scotland of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in Scotland. (Abstracts for 1906.) (August 10.)
§ Board of Agriculture and Fisheries.—Annual Report of the Intelligence Division: Part I. Proceedings under the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, 1875 to 1907, the Merchandise Marks Acts, 1887 to 1894, the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1906, and the Board of Agriculture Act, 1889 (Section 2, subsection 3), for the year 1907. (August 10.)
§ Charitable Donations and Bequests (Ireland).—Sixty-third Report of the Commissioners. (August 12.)
§ Trade Reports.—Annual Series—
- No. 4075. Brazil (Santos, Annex to Report for 1907). (September 1.)
- No. 4084. Germany (Frankfort).
- No. 4085. Muscat (Muscat).
- No. 4086. Paraguav (Paraguay).
- No. 4087. Persia (Kerman). (August 12.)
- No. 4088. Egypt (Port Said and Suez). (August 14.)
- No. 4089. Denmark.
- No. 4090. Costa Rica (Costa Rica).
- No. 4091. Spain (Barcelona).
- No. 4092. Austria-Hungary (Bohemia).
- No. 4093. United States (Chicago).
- No. 4094. Netherlands (Surinam, Dutch Guiana).
- No. 4095. Germany (Pomerania).
- No. 4096. Brazil (Bahia). (August 17.)
- No. 4097. Italy (South Italy. Supplementary Report).
- No. 1098. Guatemala (Quezaltenango).
- No. 4099. Austria-Hungary (Fiume).
- No. 4100. Persia. (Kermanshah).
- No. 4101. Guatemala (Guatemala). (August 19.)
- No. 4102. Mexico (Mexico).
- No. 4103. China (Ichang).
- No. 4104. China (Shasi).
- No. 4105. Siam (Chiengmai).
- No. 4106. Japan (Shimonseki).
- No. 4107. Denmark (Faroe Islands and Iceland). (August 22.)
- No. 4108. China (Shanghai).
- No. 4109. Austria-Hungary (Finances for 1907–1908). (August 28.)
- No. 4110. Russia (Foreign Commerce of Russia and Trade of St. Petersburg Consular District). (September 1.)
- No. 4111. Brazil (Para) (Report for 1907 and previous Years). (September 14.)
- No. 4112. Servia (Finances, 1908). (September 18.)
- No. 4113. France (Madagascar). (September 29.)
- No. 4114. France (Martinique). (September 30.)
- No. 4115. Turkey (Erzeroum).
- No. 4116. Turkey (Mosul). (September 29.)
- No. 4117. France (French Indo-China). (September 30.)
- No. 4118. Italy (Florence).
- No. 4119. Spain (Asturias, Galicia, and Leon).
- No. 4120. Corea (Corea). (September 29.)
- No. 4121. Turkey (Salonica). (September 30.)
- No. 4122. Italy (Venice).
- No. 4123. Germany (Hamburg).
- No. 4124. China (Kiungchow (Hoi-how)). (October 2.)
- No. 4125. China (Swatow). (September 30.)
- No. 4126. Sweden (Stockholm). (October 3.)
- No. 4127. Egypt (Alexandria). (October 5.)
- No. 4128. Bolivia (Bolivia). (October 8.)
- No. 4129. China (Chefoo). (October 3.)
- No. 4130. Turkey (Jeddah).
- No. 4131. Servia. (October 5.)
- No. 4132. Bulgaria.
- No. 4133. France (Cherbourg).
- No. 4134. Persia (Arabistan).
- No. 4135. Uruguay (Trade for 1907, and Finances for 1908–1909 (Supplementary)).
- No. 4136. Germany (Bavaria).
- No. 4137. China (Changsha).
- No. 4138. Russia (Odessa).
- No. 4139. Brazil (Pernambuco).
- No. 4140. Tunis (Tunis).
- No. 4141. Turkey (Smyrna). (October 8.)
§ Treaty Series—
- No. 21 (1908).—Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America, together with an Exchange of Notes as to the interpretation of Article 2; signed at Washington, 4th April, 1908. (Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 4th June, 1908.)
- No. 23 (1908).—Declaration and Memorandum between the United Kingdom, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden, concerning the maintenance of the status quo in the territories bordering upon the North Sea; signed at Berlin, 23rd April, 1908. (Ratifications deposited at Berlin, 2nd July, 1908.) (August 12.)
- No. 24 (1908).—Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium concerning the exchange of insured letters and boxes; signed at Brussels, 28th July, 1908. (August 29.)
- No. 25 (1908).—Accession of the United States of America to the International Agreement of 18th May, 1904, for the suppression of the White Slave Traffic, 6th June, 1908. (September 16.)
- No. 26 (1908).—Agreement between the United Kingdom and Liberia modifying the Treaty of Commerce of 21st November, 1848; signed at Monrovia, 23rd July, 1908. (October 6.)
- No. 27 (1908).—Agreement between the United Kingdom and Ethiopia relative to the frontiers between British East Africa, Uganda, and Ethiopia; signed at Adis Ababa, 6th December, 1907 (with map).) (October 8.)
§ Irish Land Act, 1903.—Report of tin-Estates Commissioners for the year ended 31st March. 1908, and for the period from 1st November, 1903, to 31st March, 1908, with appendices. (August 14.)
§ Army.—Report of the Army Department for the year 1907. Volume XLIX. (August 19.)
7§ Sewage Disposal (Royal Commission).—Fifth Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire and report what methods of treating and disposing of sewage may properly be adopted; together with minutes of evidence and appendices (eight volumes). (August 20.)
§ Board of Education.—Statistics of Public Education in England and Wales, 1906, 1907, 1908; Part I. Educational Statistics.
§ Local Government Board.—Thirtysixth Report of the Local Government Board, 1906–1907. Supplement containing the Report of the Medical Officer for 1906–1907. (August 21.)
§ Mines and Quarries—
- I. (Irruption of Water at Brereton Collieries).—Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department, by Hugh Johnstone, His Majesty's Inspector of Mines, on the causes of and circumstances attending an irruption of water which occurred at Brereton Collieries, South Staffordshire, on 15th February, 1908. (August 22.)
- II. (General Report and Statistics for 1907; Part II. Labour).—General Report and Statistics relating to persons employed and accidents at mines and quarries in the United Kingdom and to the enforcement of the Mines and Quarries Acts. (September 4.)
- III. (Explosion at Norton Hill Colliery).—Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department, by J. S. Martin, I.S.O., one of His Majesty's Inspectors of Mines, on the circum stances attending an explosion which occurred at Norton Hill Colliery on 9th April, 1908. (October 6.)
§ National Education (Ireland)—Annual Report of the Commissioners, for the year 1907–8. (August 24.)
§ Explosives—
- I. (Explosion of Detonators in Factory at Newbold, Derbyshire).—Report to the Secretary of
8 State for the Home Department, by Captain H. Coningham, R.A., His Majesty's Inspector of Explosives, on the circumstances attending an explosion of detonators at the factory of the Patent Electric Shot Firing Company, Newbold in the county of Derby, on 29th June, 1908. - II. (Explosion of Chlorate of Potash, etc., in warehouse at Dawson Street, Hulme, Manchester).—Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department, by Major A. Cooper-Key, His Majesty's Chief Inspector of Explosives, on the circum stances attending an explosion on the premises occupied by the Mersey, Weaver, and Ship Canal Carrying Company, Limited, in Dawson Street, Hulme, Manchester, on 23rd June, 1908.
- III. (Explosion of Dynamite in Factory at Cliffe, Kent).—Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department, by Major A. Cooper-Key, His Majesty's Chief Inspector of Explosives, on the circumstances attending an explosion which occurred in a cartridge hut at the factory of Messrs. Curtiss and Harvey, Limited, at Cliffe, in the county of Kent, on 5th June, 1908. (August 24.)
§ India (Factory Labour Commission, 1908)—
- I. Report of the Indian Factory Labour Commission, 1908: Volume I. Report and Appendices. (August 25.)
- II. (Statistical Abstract).—Statistical Abstract relating to British India from 1897–8 to 1906–7. Forty-second number. (September 12.)
- III. (Sanitary Measures).—Report on Sanitary Measures in India in 1906–1907. Volume XL. (September 17.)
§ Greenwich Observatory.—Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1908. (August 27.)
§ Fisheries (Ireland).—Report of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland, for the year 1907: Part I. General Report. (August 28.)
§ Prisons (England and Wales).—Report of the Commissioners of Prisons and the Directors of Convict Prisons for the year ended 31st March, 1908 (Parts I. and II.), with Appendices. (August 31.)
§ Lunacy (Ireland).—Fifty-seventh Report of the Inspectors of Lunatics in Ireland, for the year 1907. (August 31.)
§ Railway Servants (Hours of Labour).—Return in pursuance of Section 4 of the Regulation of Railways Act, 1889, of railway servants of certain classes who were on one or more occasions during the month of April, 1908, on duty on certain railways of the United Kingdom for more than twelve hours at a time, or who, after being on duty more than twelve hours, were allowed to resume work with less than nine hours rest, showing periods of duty after deduction of time (if any) spent, in travelling home after relief; with appendices giving additional statements and explanations furnished by the railway companies. (August 31.)
§ Agricultural Statistics (Ireland).—Abstracts showing the acreage under crops and the numbers of live stock in each county and province, 1907–8. (September 3.)
§ Fishery Investigations.—Minutes of Evidence given before the Committee appointed to inquire into the scientific and statistical investigations now being carried on in relation to the fishing industry of the United Kingdom; together with appendices to the Report. (September 4.)
§ Local Government Board (Scotland).—Supplement to the Thirteenth Annual Report of the Local Government Board for Scotland, 1907, containing statistics 10 of infectious disease notifications and of mortality, for the year 1907. (September 10.)
§ Police (Metropolis).—Report of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, for the year 1907. (September 11.)
§ Secondary Education (Scotland).—Report for the Year 1908 by John Struthers, Esquire, C.B., LL.D. (September 11.)
§ Public Records (Ireland).—Fortieth Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Records, for the Year 1907. (September 12.)
§ Dublin Hospitals.—Filtieth Report of the Board of Superintendance of Dublin Hospitals, for the Year 1907–8. (September 15.)
§ Railway Accidents—
- I. General Report of the Board of Trade upon accidents that have occurred on the railways of the United Kingdom during the year 1907. (August 27.)
- II. Summary of Accidents and Casualties reported to the Board of Trade by the several railway companies in the United Kingdom during the three months ended 31st March, 1908, in pursuance of the Regulation of Railways Act, 1871; together with reports of the Inspecting Officers and Sub-Inspecting Officers of the Railway Department of the Board of Trade upon certain accidents which were inquired into. (September 15.)
§ Cyprus.—Annual Report for 1907–8 (September 24.)
§ Miscellaneous—
- No. 7. (1908).—Reports respecting the limitations imposed by law upon testamentary bequests in France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and the United States.
- No. 8. (1908).—Reports from His Majesty's representatives abroad, respecting the limitation of
11 speeches in the supreme legislative assemblies in certain foreign countries. (September 25.)
§ Peterhead Harbour,—Reports respecting Peterhead Harbour Works (in continuation of [Cd. 3744.]). (September 26.)
§ Navy.—Returns of the number of courts martial held and summary punishments inflicted on seamen of the Royal Navy, etc., during the year 1907. (October 3.)
§ China, No. 2 (1908).—Despatch from His Majesty's Minister in China forwarding a General Report, by Mr. Leech, respecting the opium question in China (in continuation of China, No. 1. (1908) [Cd. 3881].) (October 3.)
§ Asia Minor.—Report on agriculture in Asia Minor with special reference to cotton cultivation, by Professor Wyndham Dunstan, M.A., LL.D.. F.R.S., Director of the Imperial Institute. (October 8.)
§ Register House, Edinburgh.—Minute of the Secretary for Scotland amending Article VI. of the Secretary for Scotland's Minute, dated 14th September, 1893, with respect to gratuities to engrossing clerks in the office of the Register of Deeds in the Sasines Office and in the Record Office. (October 9.)
§ Workmen's Compensation.—Statistics of proceedings under Workmen's Compensation Acts, 1897, 1900, and 1906, and the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, during the year 1907. (October 9.)
§ Injuries to Submarine Cables.—Report of Inter-Departmental Committee on injuries to submarine cables; with minutes of evidence and appendices. (October 9.)
- I. Portmadoc, Beddgelert, and South Snowdon Railway (Light Railway) Order, 1908.—Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and modified and confirmed by the Board of Trade, authorising the Portmadoc, Beddgelert, and South
12 Snowdon Railway Company to reconstruct, construct, and work the railways authorised by the Portmadoc, Beddgelert, and South Snowdon Railway Acts, 1901 and 1904, as a light railway under the Light Railways Act, 1896, and authorising the construction of a light railway in the county of Carnarvon from the termination of the railway authorised by the said Act of 1901, near Beddgelert, to Bettws-y-Coed, and amending and consolidating the capital and borrowing powers of the Company, and for other purposes; Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and modified and confirmed by the Board of Trade, authorising the construction of light railways in the borough and county of Carnarvon, being a deviation and extension of the authorised undertaking of the Portmadoc, Beddgelert, and South Snowdon Railway Company from Dinas to Carnarvon, and the abandonment of a part of the said undertaking. - II. Central Essex Light Railway (Amendment and Extension of Time) Order, 1908.—An Order made by the Light Railway Com missioners, and confirmed by the Board of Trade, amending the Central Essex Light Railway Orders, 1901–7.
- III. County of Hertford Light Railways (Watford and Bushey Extensions, etc.) Order, 1908.—Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and modified and confirmed by the Board of Trade, authorising the construction of light railways in the urban district of War ford, in the county of Hertford, and amending the County of Hertford Light Railways (No. 1) Order, 1904.
- IV. Llandilo and Lampeter Light Railway Order. 1908.—Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and modified and confirmed by the Board of Trade, authorising the construction of a
13 light railway in the counties of Carnarvon and of Cardigan from Llandilo to Lampeter. - V. Tanat Valley Light Railway (Additional Powers) Order, 1908.—Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and modified and confirmed by the Board of Trade, conferring additional powers upon the Tanat Valley Light Railway Company, incorporated by the Tanat Valley Light Railway Order, 1898. (October 9.)
§ The same were ordered to lie on the Table.