HL Deb 12 March 1908 vol 185 cc1657-8

Report from, that the Standing Orders not complied with in respect of the Alliance and other Assurance and Insurance Companies Bill [H.L.]; Leith Burgh Bill [H.L.]; and the West London Barnes, and Richmond Tramways Bill [H.L.]; ought to be dispensed with, and the Bills allowed to proceed.

That the Standing Orders not complied with in respect of the Camborne Water Bill; ought to be dispensed with.

That the Standing Orders not complied with in respect of the Croydon and Southern District Tramways Bill [H.L.]; and the London and Windsor Motor Roads, Tramroads, and Tramways Bill it [H.L.]; ought not to be dispensed with.

Read, and agreed to.

Great Western Railway Bill [H.L.]; Report from the Select Committee, That the Committee had not proceeded with the consideration of the Bill, the opposition thereto having been withdrawn; read, and ordered to lie on the Table. The orders made on the 19th and 26th of February last discharged, and Bill committed.

Huddersfield Water Bill [H.L.]; Read 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.

Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899;—Report from the Committee of Selection, that the following Lords be proposed to the House as the panel of Lords to Act as Commissioners under the Act, viz.:—E. Mansfield, L. Kintore, (E. Kintore); agreed to; and the said Lords appointed accordingly.