HL Deb 02 March 1908 vol 185 cc309-10

My Lords, I rise to ask the Under-Secretary of State for War whether any provision has been made to meet the cases of members of the Volunteer Forces who have served in that Force for many years, but who may either be ineligible for enlistment in the new Territorial Forces or be unable to comply with the altered conditions of service, and who, therefore, in the absence of any provision to the contrary would be deprived of the right hitherto enjoyed by them of securing, in the case of officers, a long service decoration (V.D.), and in the case of men a long service medal on completion of twenty years meritorious service. The circumstances to which this Question relates must be so familiar to your Lordships that it is unnecessary for me to offer any explanation; but I hope the noble Earl is now in a position to make a statement in regard to a matter which has becomes of considerable importance now that we are fairly launched on what is called the transition stage from the present Auxiliary Forces to the new Territorial Army.


My Lords, we have not overlooked the difficulty arising from the circumstances specified in my noble friend's Question. I am glad to be able to inform him that we intend to meet, if possible, the special requirements of the case by special regulations which are now under consideration. My noble friend is, however, aware that any new regulations in a question of this kind must first have the Royal approval. That being so, my noble friend, will not, I trust, expect me to indicate further the lines upon which we are working to secure that justice shall be done in the case of both officers and men.


Might I ask when the regulations may be expected? Many of these officers have to decide within the next two or three weeks whether they will join the Territorial Force or not, and it is only fair that they should know in what position they stand. The Secretary of State has had since last year to consider the matter.


I quite appreciate the importance of the point, and can assure my noble friend that the regulations will very soon be made public.


I should like to ask the noble Earl when we may expect to have the Return for which I moved a few weeks ago, and which we understood, would be in our hands by now.


I asked this morning at the War Office when it would be ready. It is now being printed, and your Lordships will be in. possession of it, I hope, to-day or tomorrow.

House adjourned at Twenty-five minutes before 6 o'clock till To-morrow, half-past Ten o'clock.