§ No. 27 (1907). International Sanitary Convention; signed at Paris, 3rd December, 1903. (Ratifications deposited at Paris, 6th April, 1907.)
§ No. 28 (1907). Declaration between the United Kingdom and Portugal respecting Boundaries in Central Africa (Barotseland); signed at London, 12th August, 1903.
§ No. 29 (1907). Accession of Ecuador to the Convention signed at Geneva 22nd August, 1864, for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded in armies in the field, 3rd August, 1907. (August 30.)
§ No. 30 (1907). Accession of Venezuela to the Convention signed at Geneva, 6th July, 1906, for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded and sick in armies in the field, 8th July, 1907. (September 12.)
§ No. 31 (1907). Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting the importation of drugs and medical 51 preparations, 9th July, 1907. (September 16.)
§ No. 32 (1907). Accession of the United Kingdom to the Declarations signed at The Hague, 29th July, 1899, respecting (1) expanding bullets; (2) asphyxiating gases; 30th August, 1907. (September 25.)
§ No. 33 (1907). Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting protection of patents in Morocco, 24th June, 1907. (September 28.)
§ No. 34 (1907). Convention between the United Kingdom and Russia, relating to Persia, Afghanistan, and Thibet; signed at St. Petersburg, 31st August, 1907. (Ratifications exchanged at St. Petersburg, 23rd. September, 1907.) (October 4.)
§ No. 35 (1907). Exchange of Notes establishing a modus vivendi between the United Kingdom and the United States of America with regard to the Newfoundland Fisheries, 4th and 6th September, 1907. (October 8.)
§ No. 36 (1907). Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium for the exchange of money orders; signed at London, 17th September, 1907. (Ratifications exchanged at London, 5th October, 1907). (October 15.)
§ No. 37 (1907). Agreement between the United Kingdom and Sweden respecting the estates of deceased seamen, 5th October, 1907. (October 19.)
§ No. 38 (1907). Accession of Turkey to the Conventions signed at Geneva, 6th July, 1906, for the amelioration of the conditions of the wounded and sick in armies in the field, 24th August, 1907. (November 4.)
§ No. 39 (1907). Accessions, etc. of Foreign States to various International Treaty Engagements.
§ No. 40 (1907). Accession of Nicaragua to the Declarations, signed at The Hague 29th July, 1899, respecting (1) expanding bullets; (2) asphyxiating gases; 11th October, 1907. (November 15.)
§ No. 41 (1907). Agreement between the United Kingdom and France supplementary to Money Order Convention of 21st September, 1887; signed at 52 Paris, 30th June, 1906. (Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 23rd October, 1907.)
§ No. 42 (1907). Convention between the United Kingdom and France for the exchange of money orders between the United Kingdom and various French colonies; signed at Paris, 30th June, 1906. (Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 23rd October, 1907.)
§ No. 43 (1907). Accessions of British Colonies, etc., to the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Nicaragua; signed at Managua, 28th July, 1905 (see Treaty Series, No. 12 (1906)). (November 27.)
§ No. 44 (1907). Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting (1) commercial travellers' samples entering the United Kingdom; (2) import duties on British works of art entering the United States; signed at London, 19th November, 1907. (December 16.)
§ No. 45 (1907). Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting commercial travellers' samples; signed at Paris,. 23rd October, 1907. (December 20.)
§ No. 46 (1907). International Convention respecting the liquor traffic in. Africa; signed at Brussels, 3rd November, 1906. (December 30.)
§ No. 1 (1908). Commercial Convention, Protocol, and Declaration between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria; signed at Sofia, 9th December, 1905. (Ratifications exchanged at Sofia, 26th November, 1907.)
§ No. 2 (1908). Agreement additional to the Commercial Convention between the United Kingdom and Egypt of 29th October, 1889; signed at Cairo 16th December, 1907. (January 24.)