HL Deb 06 February 1908 vol 183 cc1047-8

My Lords, I rise to move for a Return of the correspondence between Lady Gordon Cathcart and the Secretary for Scotland and the Lord Advocate, with reference to the seizure and occupation of the Island of Vatersay by squatters, and with regard to proposed future arrangements in that island. In the spring of last year—I think in the month of April—certain cotters and fishermen started from the Island of Barra and landed upon and seized, and are still in occupation of, the Island of Vatersay. The Lord Advocate, when asked for permission to put the Trespass Act in force, declined to give that permission, and from that time to this the Government have done nothing with regard to replacing the persons who own the property in possession of their property. A long correspondence ensued between Lady Gordon Cathcart, to whom Vatersay belongs, and the Lord Advocate and the Secretary for Scotland. I have seen the correspondence, and it seems to be of such a character as to deserve, and even require, the attention of Parliament. I therefore beg to move the Motion standing in my name.

Moved. "That there be laid before the House a Return of the correspondence between Lady Gordon Cathcart and the Secretary for Scotland and the Lord Advocate, with reference to the seizure and occupation of the Island of Vatersay by squatters; and with regard to proposed future arrangements in that island."—(The Earl of Camperdown.)


My Lords, I hope the noble Earl will not think that I am in any way discourteous if I do not discuss this question at the present moment. I understand it is not his desire that I should do so, as he proposes to raise the matter at a later date. I have only to say that the correspondence and the Papers for which he asks will be laid on the Table as soon as possible.

On Question, Motion agreed to and ordered accordingly.

House adjourned at twenty minutes before Eight o'clock, till To-morrow, half-past Ten o'clock.