HL Deb 18 December 1908 vol 198 cc2211-2

Order of the Day read for the consideration of the Third Report from the Select Committee.

THE CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES (The Earl of ONSLOW) moved the adoption of the Report, in which the Committee stated inter aliaOn the recommendation of the Committee in July last, Mr. Walter was appointed Reporter of the House at a salary of £650 per annum, such salary to cover the whole cost of reporting and all expenses of assistance. Most of the other duties in connection with the Reports have now been assigned to the Stationery Office, but there still remains the important work of receiving and dealing with Peers' corrections and editing the Reports before publication, which could better be performed by the Reporter responsible to the House than by any outside authority. The Committee therefore recommend that Mr. Walter should be appointed editor as well as reporter, at an additional salary of £100 per annum—making, in all, £750.

The noble Earl said: My Lords, in moving the adoption of this Report I need only say that it deals chiefly with the reporting of the proceedings in Your Lordships' House. Arrangements have been made in that regard which, I think, are satisfactory, not only to this House, but to the Committee who have been considering the matter bi another place, and who are also making arrangements for the reporting of their debates by an official staff. I beg to move the adoption of the Report.

Moved, "That the Third Report from the Select Committee be adopted."—(The Earl of Onslow).

On Question, Motion agreed to.