HL Deb 06 May 1907 vol 173 c1295

I can tell your Lordships in two or three sentences what is the purpose of this Motion. Appeals in England must be made—legal appeals to this House—within a twelvemonth, whereas in Scotland the period is two years, or it may be more. The purpose of this Bill is (in compliance with the desires expressed from various parts of Scotland) that appeals from the Scottish Courts to this House may be brought within the twelvemonths limit in the same way as in England, in order that in Scotland I successful litigants may feel that they have the same security as in England after twelve months have elapsed.

Moved, that Standing Orders Nos. I. V., VIII., and X. be amended as follows:—

NOTE.—The words in SMALL CAPITALS are to be omitted, and the words printed in Italics are to be inserted.