HL Deb 26 March 1907 vol 171 c1617

Marriages Provisional Order Bill. (No. 26.) Metropolitan Police Provisional Order Bill. (No. 27.) Brought from the Commons and read 1a; to be printed; and referred to the Examiners.

Fitz Gerald's Divorce Bill [H.L.]. Message from the Commons for copy of the Minutes of Evidence taken before this House, together with the proceedings, and the documents deposited in the case; Ordered to be communicated, with a request that they may be returned.

Annefield Plain and District Gas Bill, Bude Gas Bill, Gas Companies (Removal of Sulphur Restrictions) Bill, Llandrindod Wells Gas Bill, Falmouth Gas Bill. Brought from the Commons; read 1a; and referred to the Examiners.

Metropolitan Water Board (Charges, etc.) Bill, Metropolitan Water Board (Various Powers) Bill. Message from the Commons that they have appointed a Committee to consist of five members to join with a Committee of this House to consider the said Bills, and request this House to appoint an equal number of Lords to be joined with the members of their House.

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