§ Killery's Divorce Bill [H.L.].—Petition of Gwenllian Pascoe Killery, by her Agents, Messrs. Lewis and Lewis, praying that substituted service of a copy of the Bill, together with notice of the Second Reading thereof, and all other notices or orders connected therewith, may be made upon Messrs. Field, Roscoe, and Company, at 36, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. Considered (according to order). Counsel called in. Witnesses examined. Ordered that service of a copy of the Bill and of the Order for the Second Reading thereof upon the said Messrs. Field, Roscoe, and Company be deemed as good service of the said Bill and Order as if the same had been personally served upon Captain St. John Brown Killery. Bill to be read 2a on Thursday the 20th instant. The usual Orders made.
§ York (Micklegate) Strays Bill [H.L.].—Reported from the Select Committee, with Amendments.
§ Electric Lighting Provisional Orders (No. 3) Bill [H.L.].—Committed.
§ London County Council (Money) Bill. —Brought from the Commons, read 1a, and referred to the Examiners.
§ Keswick Urban District Council (Water Bill.—Returned from the Commons with the Amendments agreed to.
§ Local Government Provisional Orders (No. 2) Bill; Local Government Provisional Orders (No. 5) Bill.—Read 2a (according to Order), and committed.
§ Metropolitan Water Board (Charges, etc.) Bill; Metropolitan Water Board (Various Powers) Bill.—Leave given to the Joint Committee to report from time to time.
§ Metropolitan Water Board (Various Powers) Bill.—Report from the Committee of Selection, That the Earl Bathurst and the Viscount Hill be proposed 1342 to the House as members of the Select Committee on the said Bills in the place of the Earl Craven and the Lord Hastings. Read, and agreed to.
§ Education Board Provisional Order Confirmation (London, No. 2) Bill [H.L.]; Pier and Harbour Provisional Order (No.1) Bill [H.L.]; Gas and Water Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Bill [H.L.].—House in Committee (according to Order). The Amendments proposed by the Committee made, Standing Committee negatived The Report of Amendments to be received to-morrow.
§ Electric Lighting Provisional Order (No. 2) Bill [H.L.]; Electric Lighting Provisional Order (No. 4) Bill [H.L.].—House in Committee (according to Order). Bills reported without Amendment. Standing Committee negatived; and Bills to be read 3a to-morrow.