HL Deb 22 July 1907 vol 178 cc1123-4

A Bill to amend the law with respect to vaccination in Scotland by authorising a statutory declaration of conscientious objection. Was presented by the Lord Hamilton of Dalzell; read la; to be printed; and to be read 2aon Thursday, the 1st of August next. (No. 128.)


Before the House adjourns I should like to ask the noble Lord who has just introduced these two Scottish Bills whether he will allow as long an interval as possible before taking the Second Reading stage. I do not, of course, propose to ask what are the contents of the Bills at this stage; but anything in the nature of an amendment of the vaccination law will probably be controversial. I hope that adequate time will be allowed before the next stage is taken.


I had intended to ask the House to take the Second Reading of these Bills on Monday and Tuesday of next week, but if it would meet the view of the noble Lord I would be content to put them off until Wednesday and Thursday of next week. These Bills are now being introduced for the first time—they have not passed through the House of Commons—and as the session is advancing I hope there will not be undue delay.


Even the extended time does not afford sufficient opportunity to communicate with persons in Scotland on points that might be involved; but I will not press for any further delay at the present time.

House adjourned at twenty minutes before Eight o'clock, till to-morrow, half-past Ten o'clock.'