HL Deb 09 July 1907 vol 177 cc1295-6

My Lords, I wish to ask the noble Earl the Under-Secretary of State for War a Question of which I have given him private notice. During the course of the discussion which took place yesterday he made to your Lordships two or three most important statements with regard to the duties of the County Associations and also with regard to the conditions of service of the Militia and the Yeomanry. I wish to ask him whether he could make it convenient to lay upon the Table a Memorandum summarising the information which he thus gave. Such a Memorandum would, I cannot help thinking, be extremely convenient to those who now have to rely upon the somewhat condensed reports which appear in the public Press.


My Lords, I shall be very glad to endeavour to comply with the noble Marquess's request and lay the Memorandum asked for on the Table. My noble [friend has also given me private notice of another Question—namely, whether it is possible to meet the views urged by various Members of the House in regard to treating the Yeomanry in a more favourable way. Since I have received that appeal, and having regard to the very authoritative and influential representations made by Earl Roberts, Viscount Midleton, Lord Harris, and Lord Methuen, we have considered whether it would be possible to respond to it. I hope the statement which I am about to make will be received as a practical proof that the Government are anxious to treat the Yeomanry with every possible consideration; and I hope also that it will not be made the ground of urging further demands. In the case of the Yeomanry it has been decided to increase the emoluments of non-commissioned officers and men who will draw the new rate of pay. In addition to Army pay of 1s. 2d., camp allowance of 1s., and ration allowance of 6d., already announced, every non-commissioned officer or man present at training who is certified to be efficient in equitation will receive an equitation bounty of £1 as an addition to the new rate of pay. I might add that the Government propose to invite the Yeomanry Commanding Officers' Committee, General Mackinnon, Director of Auxiliary Forces, and General Haig, Director of Military Training on the General Staff, to meet under the presidency of my noble friend Lord Scarbrough to consider and report upon the future arrangements for the training and management of the Yeomanry. I hope this statement will be received in the spirit in which it is made.