§ Dated 8th January 1907, granting retired allowance to Alfred Fred. Thomas Doubtfire, telegraphist, Central Telegraph Office., Post Office, under Section 2 of Superannuation Act, 1887.
§ Dated 5th February, 1907, granting a retired allowance to Mr. Charles Arthur Gulliver, late Chief clerk, Reading Post Office, under Section 2 of Superannuation Act, 1887.
§ Dated 30th January, 1907, declaring that Eldred Harbutt, artificer, Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield, was appointed without a civil service certificate through inadvertence on the part of the head of his department.
§ Dated 4th February, 1907, declaring that John Marcus Lawrenson, fitter lad, Royal Gun Factory, War Office, was appointed without a civil service certificate through inadvertence on the part of the head of his department.