HL Deb 23 August 1907 vol 181 c1371

House in Committee (according to order).

Clause 1:—


I beg to move in page 1, line 21, after the word "intended" to insert the words "for sale." This is only a consequential Amendment which has been omitted inadvertently. Clause 1 of the Bill enables regulations to be made by the Local Government Board as to the importation, preparation, storage and distribution of articles of food intended for sale for human consumption. The words "for sale' were inserted in the House of Commons a few lines higher up to make it clear that it was only intended to apply to food intended for sale and not to food in private houses. The words in the Amendment are consequential on the alteration thus made.

Amendment moved— 'In page 1, line 24, after the word 'intended' to insert the words 'for sale.'—(Lord Allendale.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

Standing Committee negatived.

Then (Standing Order No. XXXIX. having been suspended); Amendment reported. Bill read 3a with the Amendment, and passed, and returned to the Commons.