§ No. 10. (1906).—Agreement between the United Kingdom and Chile for the Exchange of Money Orders; signed at London, 30th July, 1906. (August 17).
§ No. 11. (1906).—Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Nicaragua with regard to the Mosquito Territory; signed at Managua, 19th April, 1905. (Ratifications exchanged at London, 24th August, 1906).
§ No. 12. (1906).—Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Nicaragua; signed at Managua, 28th July, 1905. (Ratifications exchanged at London, 24th August, 1906).
§ No 13. (1906).—Convention between the United Kingdom and Japan respecting Commercial Relations between Canada and Japan signed at Tokio, 31st January, 1906. (Ratifications exchanged at Tokio, 12th July, 1906).
§ No. 14. (1906).—Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting the delimitation of the Frontier between the British and French Possessions to the East of the Niger; signed at London, 29th May, 1906. (Ratifications exchanged in London, 29th August, 1906.) (September 13).