HL Deb 23 October 1906 vol 163 c9

I. (Disaster at Courrières Mine, France.)—Report to the Secretary of State for the Homo Department, by H. Cunynghame, Esq., C.B., and W. N. Atkinson, Esq., on the mining disaster at Courrières, Pas de Calais, France, on 10th March, 1906. (September 18).

II. (General Report and Statistics for 1905: Part II. Labour).—General report and statistics relating to persons employed and accidents at mines and quarries in the United Kingdom, and to the enforcement of the Mines and Quaries Acts. (October 1.)

III. (General Report and Statistics for 1905: Part III. Output).—General Report and Statistics relating to the out put and value of the minerals raised in the United Kingdom, the amount and value of the metals produced, and the exports and imports of minerals. (October 10.)