HL Deb 22 May 1906 vol 157 cc1098-9

Order of the day for the Third Reading read.

Moved, That the Bill be now read 3a.—(The Earl of Crewe.)

On Question, Bill read 3a.


My Lords, the first Amendment I propose to move is on Clause 4. Clause 4 is the clause which was dealt with by the Amendment of my noble friend Lord Ebury relating to the use of the title of chemist and druggist. Since the last stage of the Bill in this House we have had the advantage at the Privy Council of the presence of my noble friend, and we pointed out to him that the terms of his Amendment were not entirely satisfactory, that it would not in all respects carry out what he wanted, and that the clause, in fact, ought to be recast. The only difference between this Amendment and the noble Lord's Amendment consists in this, that the titles "pharmaceutical chemist" and "pharmacist" are reserved to the actual chemist, but companies are at liberty to use the description "chemist and druggist" or "chemist" or "druggist." That is a minor concession to the Pharmaceutical Society to which I understand my noble friends opposite do not object. Therefore I beg to move my Amendment in that form to Clause 4.

Amendment moved— In page 3, line 10, to leave out the words 'No body corporate shall' and to insert the words 'A body incorporate may'; in line 11, to leave out the word 'unless' and to insert the words 'and may use the description of chemist and druggist or of chemist or of druggist if'; in line 15, to leave out the words 'nor unless' and to insert the words 'and if': and in line 17, to leave out from the word 'business' to the end of the clause and to insert the words 'Subject as aforesaid, Sections 1 and 15 of the Pharmacy Act, 1868, shall apply to a body corporate in like manner as they apply to an individual.'"—(The Earl of Crewe.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.


My Lords, on Clause 7—the clause relating to Ireland—I have one or two Amendments of a drafting character. These Amendments are required in order to bring this Bill into conformity with the existing Acts relating to pharmacy in Ireland.

Amendment moved—

"In page 4, line 29, to leave out from the word 'Acts' to the end of the sub-section; in page 5, line 1, at the beginning of the subsection to insert the words 'The person appointed to conduct the business in any shop under Sub-section (1) of Section 3 or Sub-section (1) of Section 4 of this Act may be a licentiate apothecary, and'; in line 2, to leave out from '1890' to the end of the sub-section, and to insert the words 'is hereby repealed.'"—(The Earl of Crewe.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.


The only remaining Amendment is in the Schedule. It was pointed out to us that the preparations of the ordinary red poppy (the English poppy) used for colouring medicine and for other purposes in chemistry are of a perfectly harmless character. They do not contain morphine, and there is no reason why they should be subjected to the restrictions to which the opium poppy (the foreign poppy) is subjected.

Amendment moved— In the Schedule, Part II., page 6, line 10, to leave out the words 'compositions prepared from' and to insert the words 'preparations of, excepting red poppy petals and syrup of red poppies (papaver rhœas).'"—(The Earl of Crewe.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

Moved, "That the Bill do pass."—(The Earl of Crewe.)

On Question, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons