HL Deb 04 May 1906 vol 156 cc835-6

My Lords, in rising to move for the Return which I have put down on the Paper in fulfilment of the promise I made to the most rev. Primate, there is no need for me to go over again the ground I traversed yesterday, when I attempted to explain the form which the Return, in our opinion, ought to take. There is only one point on which I wish to say a word. Sub-head (4) inquires for any information now in the possession of the local education authority as to the religious instruction, other than that under its own regulations or syllabus, given in individual council schools. The most rev. Primate was anxious that it should be made perfectly clear that that information would include a report as to any schools within their knowledge where no religious instruction of any kind was given. We do not see our way to alter the form of the Return for the reasons which I stated yesterday; but I have arranged that to the circulars to be issued to the local education authorities a note will be added making it quite clear that that information, where they possess it, is to be supplied. It was always the intention of this sub-head that that information should, where possible, be included, but as the most rev. Primate wishes it to be made more clear, he can take it from me that the addition will be made in the form of a note in the circular issued to the local education authorities.

Moved, "That there be laid before the House, a Return showing in respect of each Local Education Authority in England and Wales under Part III. of the Education Act, 1902—;

  1. 1. The Regulations or Syllabus for Religious Instruction put forth for the use of its Council Schools, and the date on which they were issued;
  2. 2. In the absence of such Regulations or Syllabus, any Resolution of the Authority on the subject, and its date;
  3. 3. Whether the Authority leaves Individual Council Schools free to depart from the Regulations or Syllabus;
  4. 4. Any information now in the possession of the Local Education Authority 836 as to the Religious Instruction, other than, that under its own Regulations or Syllabus, given in individual Council Schools;
  5. 5. What arrangements the Local Authority makes for the inspection of the Religious Instruction in its Council Schools."—;(The Lord President.)

On Question, Motion agreed to, and ordered accordingly.