HL Deb 03 May 1906 vol 156 cc680-1

My Lords, I have on the Paper a Motion for a Return which I think will be interesting and useful in the discussion of the Criminal Appeal Bill which has been introduced by the noble and learned Lord on the Woolsack. A great variety of Bills have been introduced dealing with this very important subject, and it would be a convenience if the information that I ask for were made readily available to those of your Lordships who may desire to take part in the discussion. In the Motion standing on the Paper I ask for a Return of all Criminal Appeal Bills introduced within the last fifty years, but it has been intimated to me that this would exclude an important Bill introduced in the year 1844. I would, therefore, with your Lordships' permission, ask for a Return of all Bills introduced since the year 1843.

Moved, for a Return of all Criminal Appeal Bills introduced since the year 1843, showing—;
Date of Introduction. How far it Proceeded. By whom Introduced. Whether it gave an Appeal on (a) Law; (b) Facts; (c) Sentence. Whether it permitted (a) a new trial to be ordered; (b) an increase of sentence. What Tribunal was to hear the Appeals.
—;(Lord Ashbourne.)

My Lords, His Majesty's Government have no objection to this Return. Personally, I think it will prove most useful when the Bill in question is discussed in Committee. There is, however, a verbal Amendment which I would suggest to my noble and learned friend. He does not want a Return of all Criminal Appeal Bills, but only of those allowing appeal in criminal cases tried on indictment. I would suggest that the Motion be amended to read—; That there be laid before the House a Return of all Bills introduced since 1843, which proposed to allow an appeal in criminal cases tried on indictment, showing—;


I gladly accept the suggested Amendment of the noble and learned Lord and shall be pleased if he will put the Motion in that form.

On Question, Motion, as amended, agreed to.

House adjourned at Five o'clock, till To-morrow, half-past Ten o'clock.