§ Penllwyn Railway and Road Bill [H.L.]; London and North Western Railway Bill [H.L.]; Great Western and Rhymney Railway Companies Bill [H.L.]; Barry Railway Bill [H.L.]; Western Valleys (Monmouthshire) Sewerage Board Bill [H.L.]; Cardiff Railway Bill [H.L.]. Report from the Committee of Selection, That the Earl of Harrowby be proposed to the House as a member of the Select Committee on the said Bills in the place of the Lord Belhaven and Stenton; read, and agreed to.
§ North Sussex Gas and Water Bill [H.L.].—Reported, with Amendments.
§ Manchester and Milford Railway Bill [H.L.].—Reported from the Select Committee, with Amendments.
§ Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway (Superannuation Fund) Bill [H.L.]; Accrington District Gas and Water Board Bill [H.L.]; Holyhead Water Bill [H.L.].—Reported, with Amendments.
§ Scottish Provident Institution Buildings, Limited; Petition of the Scottish Provident Institution Buildings, Limited, under their common seal, praying for leave to introduce a Bill "to enable the Scottish Provident Institution Buildings, Limited, to pay interest out of capital on certain of their shares; and for other purposes," together with a copy of the proposed Bill annexed thereto; read, and referred to the examiners.
990§ Sheffield District Railway Bill [H.L.]. Report from the Select Committee. That the Committee had not proceeded with the consideration of the Bill, the opposition thereto having been withdrawn; read, and ordered to lie on the Table. The orders made on the 8th instant discharged, and Bill committed.
§ Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Bill. Brought from the Commons.
§ Millwall Dock Bill, North Metropolitan Tramways Bill. Brought from the Commons; read 1a; and referred to the Examiners.
§ Wallis Divorce Bill [H.L.]. Message from the Commons for copy of the Minutes of Evidence taken before this House, together with the proceedings and the documents deposited in the case: Ordered to be communicated, with a request that they may be returned.