HL Deb 29 June 1906 vol 159 cc1239-40

My Lords, I beg to ask His Majesty's Government if they are aware that the next Army qualifying examination is fixed for September 18th, a date which coincides with the termination of the public schools summer holidays, and one that appears to be utterly inconvenient to everyone concerned. This is a most unfortunate time to have an examination, because it would spoil the boys' holidays. It is obvious that boys preparing for an examination could not be away from their work all that time, and the parents would either have to engage tutors during the holidays to work the boys up for the examination or else the boys would have to go to crammers. This would be most unfair to the public schools when they are endeavouring to pass boys direct into the Army and to do away altogether with the undesirable process of cramming. The time fixed for the examination is also one at which the masters as well as the boys are away, and I hope, therefore, that His Majesty's Government will alter the date by at least one month if not two months, so as to enable the boys to continue their work at school when they get back.


My Lords, this Question only appeared on the Paper this morning, and I think my noble friend has forgotten that to-day is a holiday in the War Office. I have had no opportunity, therefore, of inquiring into the matter at all, or of communicating with any one upon it. If the noble Earl will postpone his Question until after Monday, I will communicate the answer to him direct, or, if he considers it desirable to put it again in the House, I shall be glad, after looking into the circumstances, to give him a reply


I certainly will not trouble the House by putting the Question again if the answer which the noble Earl communicates to me is satisfactory, but if it is not I must be allowed to raise the matter again.