HL Deb 05 December 1906 vol 166 cc920-1

Before the House adjourns, I have a small correction to make as to the course of business, of which I have already informed the Leader of the Opposition. Owing to circumstances which I need not explain, I have found, since I made my statement, that it is not possible to take the Committee Stage of the Trade Disputes Bill before Wednesday, the 12th December. So that, leaving to-morrow as already arranged, we propose to take the Second Reading of the Plural Voting Bill on Monday, with the Town Tenants Bill as the Second Order, and on Tuesday, the 11th inst., the Town Tenants Bill and the Merchant Shipping Bill (Committee stage). Then the Trade Disputes Bill (Committee stage) will be taken on Wednesday. Otherwise, the list will stand as I stated before.


I did not catch what the noble Earl said as to Monday.


On Monday we shall take the Plural Voting Bill, the Town Tenants Bill being put down as the Second Order, because it is not quite easy to say whether we may be able to conclude the Second Reading of the Town Tenants Bill to-morrow (Thursday). I hope we may, and in that case I should ask your Lordships, if time permits, to begin the Committee stage of the Town Tenants Bill on Monday.

House adjourned at twenty-five minutes past Eight o'clock, till to-morrow, half-past Ten o'clock.