§ No. 12. (1904.) General Report on the Uganda Protectorate, for the year ending 31st March, 1904. (November 9.)
§ No. 13. (1904.) Report by Mr. A. E. Butter on the survey of the proposed frontier between British East Africa and Abyssinia. (With a map.) (December 1.)
§ No. 14. (1904.) Correspondence respecting slavery in the Islands of Zanzibar and Pemba (in continuation of Africa, No. 6 (1902).) (December 29.)
§ No. 15. (1904.) Report on East Africa Protectorate, for the year 1903–1904. (January 7.)
§ No. 16. (1904.) Report on the construction and working of the Mombasa-Victoria (Uganda) Railway and Steamboat Service on Lake Victoria, 1903–1904 (January 10.)
§ No. 1. (1905.) Further correspondence respecting the administration of the Independent State of the Congo (in continuation of Africa, No. 7 (1904).) (December 17.)