HL Deb 07 August 1905 vol 151 cc315-7

Moved, That the Standing Orders be amended as follows—

The words within brackets are to be omitted; and the words printed in italics are to be inserted.

9. In the months of October and November, or either of them, immediately preceding the application for a Bill, the notice shall be published once in the London, Edinburgh, or Dublin Gazette, as the case may be, and in the following newspapers (namely):—

(1) In the case of a Bill relating specially to any particular city, borough, town, [or urban] urban or rural district, the notice shall be published once in each of two successive weeks, with an interval between such publications of not less than six clear days, in some newspaper or newspapers published in such city, borough, town, or district, or if there be no newspaper published therein, then in some newspaper or newspapers published in the county in which such city, borough, town, or district, or any part thereof, is situate.

Deposits on or before the 21st of December.

33. On or before the twenty-first day of December a printed copy shall be deposited

(7) Of every Local Bill—

  1. (a) relating to a local Court or stipendiary magistrate;
  2. (b) whereby power is sought to take any churchyard, burial ground, cemetery, or any part thereof, or to disturb the bodies interred therein, or to take any common or commonable land.
  3. [(c) in which provisions are contained relating to houses inhabited by the working class in London];
  4. [d] (c) promoted by any Municipal or other Local Authority, by which it is proposed to create powers relating to police or sanitary regulations which deviate from, or are in extension of, or repugnant to the general law;

(11) Of every Bill affecting Crown property at the Office of [the Commissioners of] the Commissioners of Woods, and if the property is in England or Scotland at the Office of the Commissioners of Works, or if the property is in Ireland, at the Office of the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland [His Majesty's Works and Public Buildings and at the Office of His Majesty's Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues]; and of every Bill affecting the Duchy of Cornwall or the Duchy of Lancaster, at the Office of such Duchy respectively;

43. If it be intended to divert, widen, or narrow any public carriage road, navigable river, canal, or railway, the course of such diversion, and the extent of such widening or narrowing, shall be marked upon the plan, and if it be intended to divert any public footpath, the course of such diversion shall be marked upon the plan.

106. In the case of any Bill relating to the supply of electricity to persons or bodies other than the promoters, the Bill shall not be reported by the Committee until a report from the Board of Trade on the powers sought has been laid before the Committee.

[106] 106a. Every report made on any Bill by or under the authority of any Public Department shall stand referred to the Committee on the Bill.

Miscellaneous Matters.

140b. Two clear days at least before the day appointed for the consideration ot any Private Bill by a Committee, there shall be laid before the Chairman of Committees, by the agent, a copy of the Bill as proposed to be submitted to the Committee, and such copy shall be signed by the agent for the Bill.

143a. A copy of every Local Bill, if amended in Committee, shall, as so amended, be deposited at the Office of His Majesty's Treasury, at the Local Government Board, and at the General Post Office three days before the Bill is read a third time.—(The Chairman of Committees.)

Agreed to. Standing Orders amended accordingly, and to be printed as amended. (No. 165.)