HL Deb 02 February 1904 vol 129 c56

No. 12. (1903.)—Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting commercial relations between France and Jamaica; signed at London, 8th August, 1902. (Ratifications exchanged at London, 12th August, 1903.) (September 10.)

No. 13. (1903.)—Accession of Mexico to the Industrial Property Convention, 1883, and Additional Act of 1900. (September 7.)

No. 14. (1903.)—Accession of Germany to the Industrial Property Convention of 20th March, 1883, £c., 1st May, 1903. (September 25.)

No. 15. (1903.)—Parcel Post Convention with detailed regulations between the United Kingdom and Chile; signed at Santiago, 21st October, 1902. (October 7.)

No. 16. (1903.)—Protocol for submitting to arbitration certain questions as to the interpretation of treaties with Japan with regard to leases held in perpetuity; signed at Tokio, 28th August, 1902. (October 23.)

No. 17. (1903.)—Treaty between the United Kingdom and China respecting commercial relations, etc.; signed at Shanghai, 5th September, 1902. (Ratifications exchanged at Peking, 28th July, 1903.) (November 3.)

No.18. (1903.)—Agreement between the United Kingdom and France providing for the settlement by arbitration of certain classes of questions which may arise between the two Governments; signed at London, 14th October, 1903. (November 26.)

No. 1. (1904.)—Convention for the establishment of a parcel post service between the United States and Hong-Kong; signed at Washington, 21st November, 1903. (January 19.)