§ No. 12. (1903.)—Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting commercial relations between France and Jamaica; signed at London, 8th August, 1902. (Ratifications exchanged at London, 12th August, 1903.) (September 10.)
§ No. 13. (1903.)—Accession of Mexico to the Industrial Property Convention, 1883, and Additional Act of 1900. (September 7.)
§ No. 14. (1903.)—Accession of Germany to the Industrial Property Convention of 20th March, 1883, £c., 1st May, 1903. (September 25.)
§ No. 15. (1903.)—Parcel Post Convention with detailed regulations between the United Kingdom and Chile; signed at Santiago, 21st October, 1902. (October 7.)
§ No. 16. (1903.)—Protocol for submitting to arbitration certain questions as to the interpretation of treaties with Japan with regard to leases held in perpetuity; signed at Tokio, 28th August, 1902. (October 23.)
§ No. 17. (1903.)—Treaty between the United Kingdom and China respecting commercial relations, etc.; signed at Shanghai, 5th September, 1902. (Ratifications exchanged at Peking, 28th July, 1903.) (November 3.)
§ No.18. (1903.)—Agreement between the United Kingdom and France providing for the settlement by arbitration of certain classes of questions which may arise between the two Governments; signed at London, 14th October, 1903. (November 26.)
§ No. 1. (1904.)—Convention for the establishment of a parcel post service between the United States and Hong-Kong; signed at Washington, 21st November, 1903. (January 19.)