HL Deb 12 August 1904 vol 140 cc346-7

My Lords, even at this late period of the session I beg to present a Bill and to ask your Lordships to read it a first time, though it is, of course, only for the purpose of having it printed and circulated. This is a Bill for the better custody of local records, and it is one in which a good many gentlemen of great influence and importance are interested. The Bill is the outcome of the Report of a Departmental Committee appointed mainly at the instance of the late Dr. Creighton, Bishop of London. This Committee inquired into the subject and found. that there was no system at all for the safe custody of local records, and that there was danger of their being lost or damaged by fire. They therefore urged that some steps ought to be taken to enable local's authorities to take proper care of them. This Bill is the outcome of that Report, and it would be well if it were printed and circulated so that it might be considered by those interested in the subject. I therefore trust your Lordships will give it a First Reading.

Moved, "That the Bill be now read 13."—(The Marquess of Salisbury.)

On Question, Bill read 1a; and to be printed. (No. 194.)