HL Deb 08 August 1904 vol 139 c1284

, who had the following Notice on the Paper: "To move, That the Lord Brougham and Vaux, the Chairman of the Select Committee to whom the Bradford Corporation Bill, 1903, was referred, be permitted to make a Report to this House under the provisions of Section 1 of the Parliamentary Costs Act, 1865, and that such Report shall have effect as from the date on which it is laid upon the Table of this House," said: My Lords, It will not be necessary for me to trouble the House at any length in regard to the Motion standing in my name, because, in consequence of its appearing on the Paper, the matter has been arranged. The Report was a Report on a matter of costs which were agreed to by a Committee presided over by Lord Brougham last year, but the Report was not exactly made to the House, and therefore a technical irregularity occurred. Other steps had to be taken in a definite time from that Report, and they were not taken. One or other of the parties, and to some extent both of them, tried to take advantage of the technical irregularity which had been committed. The matter was brought to my notice as Acting Chairman three months ago, and I came to the conclusion that unless it was rectified in some way or another an injustice would be done. Those who would profit by the irregularity refused for a long time to consent to any compromise, and I thought it necessary a week ago to put this Motion down. I have to-day received communications from both parties that they have agreed to a compromise, to leave the matter in the hands of the Taxing Officer of the House and to abide by his decision. In consequence of that agreement, I do not intend to proceed with the Notice which I have placed on the Paper.

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